The Face Winter 2021 : Adele by Charlotte Wales

Adele Serves Face on The Face’s ‘Gorgeous’ Winter 2021 Cover

Adele remains on everyone’s lips after making a triumphant return to the world of music. She continues to dominate newsstands across the globe by fronting everything from American Vogue to British Vogue to Rolling Stone. Now you can add The Face to the list. We don’t know where you’ve been if you didn’t already know the iconic and cutting-edge publication is back on the scene following its 2019 relaunch and wins us over with its Winter 2021 installment featuring the singing sensation. Captured by photographer Charlotte Wales and decked out in monogrammed Burberry by stylist Emma Alix Wyman, Adele appears utterly flawless in the cover portrait.

The Face Winter 2021 : Adele by Charlotte Wales

Members of our forums were left in awe. “This is gorgeous! Adele’s on a roll, all of her recent covers have been stunning and this one’s no exception. I love the softness of colors and even the slight blur works,” praised aracic.

“She’s giving us THE FACE!” declared oaklee91.

“She’s always serving FACE indeed. Girl, keep on giving us everything!” cheered thiago:).

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“First British Vogue by Steven Meisel and now The Face by Charlotte Wales… I am becoming a fan of seeing Adele everywhere because she’s photographing just beautifully lately. The beauty styling and strong sense of retro glamour are ALL working in Adele’s favor — very much a fan of this!” applauded vogue28.

Urban Stylin shared the same level of enthusiasm: “She always photographs like a model…”

“She looks great here. The nails I’m not sure about, but the rest yes, yes, yes!” voiced Xone.

“It’s a beautiful editorial. But why is her makeup always so heavy?” asked mikel.

“She photographs beautifully, but I’ll never understand the appeal of this woman. I don’t care how many notes she can hit, her music is beyond dull and pedestrian. As a personality, she’s not even a compelling figure. She’s just nice and safe,” mepps chimed in.

Check out Adele’s glorious cover feature and join the conversation here.
